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HEALTH- Germanium

 Science and Health Series

Here is a list of some diseases that organic germanium has be tested on with positive results: 

·  Rheumatoid Arthritis And Rheumatis
·  Cancer - Colon, Prostate, Breast, Lung, Ovarian, Cervical
·  Leukemia
·  Asthma
·  Diabetes
·  Malaria
·  Senile Osteoporosis
·  Mental Disorders -Depressive Psychoses, Schizophrenia,
·  Pain
·  Digestive Disorders -Gastritis, Ulcers
·  Influenza
·  Cardiac Disorders - Angina, Hypertension, Arteriosclerosis, Apoplexy, Cardiac Infarction
·  Circulatory Disturbances - Raynaud's Disease,
·  Parkinson's Disease
·  Cerebral Sclerosis
·  Skin Eruptions - Warts, Corns, Eczemas, Burns, Herpes
·  Epilepsy
·  Old-Age Infirmities
·  Amyloidosis
·  Myelo-Optico-Neuropathy
·  Eye Diseases - Glaucoma, Black Cataracts, Detached Retinas, Inflammation Of The Retina And Optic Nerves, Behcet's Disease

For information on how germanium works and germaniums reaction with cancer: Germanium - Books

List compiled by Sandra Goodman PhD. www.positivehealth.com